Christian Reconciliation
Holy Bible

Biblical Teaching Book: 233 pages
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This biblical teaching paperback book is solely based on scriptures from the bible. Many bible verses are quoted from or referred to before or after the author teaches and provides godly spiritual knowledge. In addition, factual and informative reference books that include the definitions of the original Greek words that the bible words were translated from are quoted from to help our understanding.

The author primarily promotes Jesus Christ in this book, while basing his views of Jesus Christ from bible verses, especially from the New Testament. Perhaps the author could be considered a cheer leader for Jesus Christ. The author primarily promotes Jesus Christ instead of one individual denomination or church. Hopefully many people that are part of different churches or denominations will learn from this book.

The author wrote this book to serve and help people instead of wanting to lord over people like the Pharisees and Sadducees often tried to do in the first century when Jesus Christ lived a natural physical earthly life. We only have one Lord, Jesus Christ who represents God’s love and is our loving savior.

Our Loving Savior Jesus Christ book cover